
Basic Ingredients and Preparation for Eggs

Tiny Egg
  1. Chicken Eggs are a major ingredients in most baked and steamed kuih and cakes. They are used as a raising agent in cakes that are baked, to seal pastries, and generally to add bulk, texture and flavour.
  2. Eggs have a high nutritional value. They contain fats, proteins, vitamins and mineral salts.
  3. Always break eggs separately so that bad ones can be detected and discarded.
  4. To test if an egg is fresh, fill a deep bowl with water and carefully lower the egg into the water. A very fresh egg will immediately sink to the bottom and lie flat on its side. This is because the air cell within the egg is very small. The good egg should be quite heavy. If the egg fully floats in the water and does not touch the bottom of the bowl at all, it should be discarded, as it will most likely be bad.

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  • eggs nutritional value
  • chicken eggs 
  • egg yolks
  • test if an egg is fresh
  • good egg
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  • egg yolks
  • eggs chicken
  • eggs preparation