Tepung Beras (Rice-Flour)

Basic Ingredients and Preparation for Tepung Beras (Rice-Flour)
  1. It is best to use fresh rice flour. This is to obtained by grinding the rice. Dry rice-flour can be quickly obtained by means of an electric grinder. Many people still use the old method of pounding. The rice is put into a hole in a large block of wood. The pounding is done with a long, heavy pole. The person who is pounding stands upright holding the pole with both hands.
  2. Dry rice-flour is used in batters for coating and for making cakes that are to be baked. To prepare the coating batter, the rice-flour is combined with a little slaked lime or turmeric powder, and water. It becomes golden and crisp when fried.
  3. For steamed-cooked kuih, the finer textured tepung beras basah, or wet rice-flour, is used. The rice is soaked overnight first and then ground in a stone grinder. The mixture is hung up in a cloth to drain away the moisture before use.
  4. In the preparation of rice-flour cake/kuih, coconut milk or water is usually blended into the flour. Next, eggs and sugar are added.
  5. Rice-flour kuih are usually steamed.
  6. Examples of rice-flour kuih: Lipat pisang, Kuih Lapis, Kuih Talam and Ubi Kayu.

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  • Rice-Flour
  • rice flour
  • flour rice
  • rice-flour cake
  • rice-flour kuih
  • tepung beras
  • baking with rice flour
  • how to make rice flour
  • What is Rice Flour